a little more info about me,

I am a 29 year old, iced coffee addicted hoosier who loves Jesus, my family, traveling and meeting new people. I was born and raised in Martinsville, IN where I currently live with my husband Ben and our son Dray. We basically live in a zoo with our boxer, 2 cats and bird. I met my husband at church in 2009 and we've been pretty inseparable ever since. In 2014 my husband and I became foster parents. shortly after in 2015 our sweet boy was born, in 2017 he became a part of our family, and finally in 2019 we adopted him and he completed us. The actual light of our lives. I have loved photography as long as I can remember but only got serious about learning and making this my career after high highschool.I have always been a people pleaser, I truly enjoy making people laugh and feel great about themselves.

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.